
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Contraction stop motion

 Hi Guys!

Today in science we had to make a stop motion on something .

I made mine on contraction.

The dots are particles and they expand and contract as heat is giving and replaced.

Here is the stop motion: 

Red= hot

gray = room temputare

blue= cold

Hope you understand what is happening and learn more about this topic.


B and E market day

Yesterday was our school market day here how my business went:

Was our business a success? Yes because we made a profit bigger than what we spent and sold out.

How much profit did we make: We spent a total of 12 dollars and made 17 products that we sold for $2 each which lead us with a total of $34 and $22 profit.

3 things I learnt: there is always a buyer, Make as much as you can, look for deals.

What would I change for next time: I would improve the quality of our product and make more of them.

My highlights: My highlight of the day was when we sold our first and last product and sold out.

A photo: 

JPEG Image


Monday, September 21, 2020

Fruit Muffins








Sensory evaluation: Although I was not there lots of people have told me what they think of them and they all didn't like it because the taste wasn't good because the flavors didn't go together and some flavors overpower others.

Looks: some people were smooch and looked bad so that help on making it taste bad.

Since I wasn't there I couldn't give my own opinion on this but this is was some of my friends thoughts.


Healthy Apple Muffins Recipe - Cookie and Kate


Friday, September 18, 2020

Market Mix Product

Cardboard Yoyo's

Lately in class we are learning about the product part of the market mix and we are using our own products that we will make for the market day coming up to help show this work.

What it can do? Our product can do anything that a normal yo-yo can do but it can be made bigger or smaller but better.

What quality is our product? The quality of our product might not seem the best on paper but it is surprisingly tough and will last a while. It is more sustainable though

Size/Volume/shape: It will be about the size of your palm. It is a circle shape and is a bit thicker than your width of your hand.

Packing: Their is no packing because it will be how will can give such a good deal.

Raw materials: cardboard, pencils and sting are all the materials we need.

Do you fit into a category of products that already exists: Our product is a yo-yo witch already exists and it is also a toy witch is another category that already exist.

Do you need to provide a service for your products to work: No, because it is a product the buyer could use and play with by them-self.

Who is my target market: Our target market is kids because we think we would sell more to that group of people.

This is good to know and put down so we know our product value and quality witch helps us when we are producing our product.

Would you buy our product if no what would you change.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Particle Theory

Hi Guys

Particle Theory

Lately in chemicals we have been learning about matter and now they work also how particles work and something called particle theory.

There is six rules in particle theory and they are:
All mater is made up of particles.
All particles in a pure substance are the same.
There is space between all particles.
Particles are always moving.
There are attractive forces between particles.
Temperature affects the speed at which particles move.

Diffusion: Movement of particles from high concentration to low concentration. eg. Deodorant
Rules that go with them: Particles are always moving, Temperature affect the speed at which particles move,There is space between all particles.

Aim: We tested how quick the affects of temperature has on speed of diffusion.
Hypothesis: the heat will make it spread fast and the cold will be slow.
Method: put potassium permanganate in hot and cold water and sees what spreads faster.
Observation and explanation: The hot water made potassium permanganate spread the fastest.


Monday, September 7, 2020

Potato Frittata

Potato Frittata
The ingredient we used for this dish was:
How to make: cook potato add all ingredients and grill.

Sensory Evaluation: It tasted pretty good with salt and pepper but without it, it was bland. It looked good and smelt good to.

I would rate this dish 3/5 because it was plain and needed salt and pepper to taste good.
Next time I would add more salty flavors and colors.

Our team work well together and we all did even amount of work.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Rules to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

Hi Guys
Today in chemicals and chaos we looked at the 33 rules of survival from zombie-land and had to choose 5 that we think are the bet to survive a zombie apocalypse.
I created these 5 poster of my favorite rules:

Hope you liked my work.