
Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Hi Guys!

Recently we have started our own passion projects.

I started mine on learning about Cryptocurrency. I later changed this to NFT's

Heres are some of the basic terms I have learned so far.

I have now started to go deeper into NFT's and I am planning to make one myself and show the steps you need to take to make and sell your own NFT. I ended up just showing information on NFT's and what they are and things about them.

My opinion: I cannot give too many opinions on this topic since I can't legally give you financial advice.

Hope you learned some basic terms on Cryptocurrency and learn about NFT's


Ojos del Salado - Volcano


Ojos del Salado

Where is it:
This is a volcano in the Andes on the Argentina-Chile border.

What's special about it:
It is the highest active volcano on planet earth

When did it last erupt? What was the damage: 750 CE or about 1000 - 1500 years ago. The damage may be unknown since it was so long ago but I would predict that it would have burnt many trees, plants, land, and animals in the area.

Although this volcano is active isn't expected to erupt any time soon since it has been known as historically active since its last eruption was soo long ago.

In 1896, 1897, and 1903 the Chile-Argentina boundary commission identified a peak in the area and named it Ojos del Salado, according to a myth their Ojos del Salado was a much smaller mountain and the actual Ojos del Salado was their peak. The Polish climbers Justin Wojsznis, Stefan Osiecki, Witold Paryski, Jan Szczepański reached the summit on February 26, 1937and left a cairn but most of the maps and reports they drafted were lost during World War II. 
(Wikipedia Ojos Del Salado)

This shows that it may have been smaller but then may have gotten even bigger than it was.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Recently in social studies, we have been learning about different cultures and their gods.

The god I focused on was Papatūānuku the Maori god of the earth. I made this poster which tells you about them and links them in with a god of another culture with a similar deity.

Here is the poster:

The god I connected Papatūānuku to was the greek god Gaea.


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Roald Dahl

 Genre: auto-biography

Author: Roald Dahl

Title: Boy


Roald Dahl finished school and he has to find a job. He was asked if he wanted to go to a university like oxford but he turned down the opportunity to go to further schooling. This was so that he could do work. He choose that he wanted to work in a place that would send him to travel the world since in his day this was a rare feat. He applied for a job at shell because that's the place he would prefer to work at. He ended up getting selected for one of the seven available jobs even though around one hundred people applied for the job. He got the job and after training, he was offered to go to Egypt but turned it down because it was too dusty. He ended up getting sent to East Africa. He thought it was perfect.

This shows he was determined to get the job he wanted and go somewhere where he wanted to go.

Monday, October 18, 2021

My Holidays: My unique story

Hi Guys!

My Holidays


Throughout the holidays I did many things. Most of the things I did were centered around family.

My cousin came down from Wellington in the holidays. I stayed with him all week and we did heaps of stuff. For instance, we went to the movies and saw Free Guy. We also went to the pools, went out for lunch with our grandparents, went mini-golfing, and had a family lunch for everyone to catch up and to celebrate our uncle for making the Aotearoa men netball team that played the silver ferns. 

How this links with my CV: This would show that I am a family-oriented person. Many employers are looking for people that do things like this.

What skills does it show: flexibility, It shows that I can make time for things such as family time. I can attend things that I have been welcomed to turn up to. It also shows that I can be placed at the correct time.


Friday, October 1, 2021


 Yesterday we made an ecosystem in science. 

My ecosystem consisted of a giraffe, a tree, fungi under the tree, and bacteria in the dirt.

Our ecosystem: 

Research the animal...


Movement: It can move around and it moves its neck up to reach its food. It has four legs with which it uses to walk or run with.

Reproduction: It uses sexual reproduction meaning the giraffe would need to find a mate of the opposite gender to reproduce with.

Sensitivity: It feels pain and if an animal it would either try to fight back with its neck or run away.

Growth: It gets bigger and a baby giraffe isn't the same size as a fully grown giraffe.

Respiration: I eat food leaves and turns them into energy when it digests its food.

Excretion: It gets rid of its waste by doing both poos and urinating.

Nutrition: The giraffe eats plants mainly tree leaves and branches meaning that it is a herbivore. The giraffe also eats heaps of food eating up to 75 pounds. It doesn't drink as often though like once every few days.


Giraffes can go weeks without water since they might not see it that often. 

They have long necks allowing them to get food. 

They had a hard tongue so they can rip the plants off the tree without it cutting their tongue.

Predation/prey relationship:

Poacher and giraffe: Poachers target a variety of animals in the African Savana. One of the poached animals is the giraffe. Giraffes often would try and run away but since the poachers have guns they shoot them and take their heads home or take parts and sell them. This is having a bad impact on the animals. Here is a possible outcome because of poachers:

As you can in the image the giraffe is unfortunately dead.

Giraffe and tree: The giraffe eats plants in the ecosystem including trees. The tree would be the prey. This could be bad for the planet because the giraffes would eat so much meaning there is less of the plant in the ecosystem. But since the plant can adapt it might adapt to form protection against the giraffe.