
Monday, December 7, 2020

Black death

 Hi Guys!

Which century was the black death and what countries were affected: 

The black death was in the middle century and people from all over the world were affected. The countries affected the most was Asia, UK, England, Egypt. 

Who were the most affected people: People who couldn't stay healthy and had a poor immune system.

How where the body buried: They would be in dug a grave and covered with a small layer of dirt then after a week more would be added.

What were the symptoms: Boils that would turn black. Cold, bold poison.

Death was almost certain within the first week, people were in pain, tired, weak, dizzy.

Types of plauge:

Bubonic: Black boils around the body.

Pneumonic: lunge infection.

Septicemic: blood infection.

Can We Stop Blaming Rats for the Black Death? - HISTORY


EOTC Reflection

Hi Guys!

Today in class we had the task to write a reflection about our three EOTC days. The days were: Jelly park, Adrenalin forest, and a city visit.

We have questions to answer about what we learnt and enjoyed: 

Here is my answers:

What was the best day in my opinion? I liked the first day when we went to Adrenalin Forest. Why? I enjoyed it because we did heaps and it was fun to see how high I could go and test my limits.

Was there something challenging: Yes I found some of the obstacles at Adrenalin Forest hard to do when I'm high off the ground. I also found the learning how to use the equipment correctly at different places doing different activities.

If we were to do these days again, what activities would I want to try? I would like to keep the three which were: Adrenalin forest, jelly park, and our trip to the city. If I could do other things they would be mega air, mountain biking and swimming.

What did I learn: I learnt that our city is filled with loads of interesting things and that the places we have been to are fun. We also had to find heaps of different facts about Christchurch and the city we live in. 

Thank for reading this EOTC week was really fun.


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

BST Loan flowchart

 Hi Guys

Today in class for business studies we had to make a flowchart about loans and things that go with the decision of getting a loan. This is a fun flowchart to show some of the decisions of getting a loan. This does not cover all individual loans. This covers loans in general.

Here is my flowchart:

I think I did well and this could help make the decision of getting a loan for some people.
It shows some main decisions people have to make. This had heaps on information to cover than main idea of getting a loan out while not covering any individual loan. Next time I would make them show different types of loans.

Did this help you make the decision of getting a loan?

I managed to get this information from myself on what I learnt in class. I did well and enjoyed maing this flowchart.