
Friday, February 28, 2020

Hec (Scones)

Hi Guys!


yesterday in class for home economics the product we were making was scones.
We have put in groups and the people in my group were: Jayden, Ricky, Axle, and I.
For the product we had to use many different processes, They were sifting the dry ingredients, rubbing the butter with our fingertips, mixing all the ingredients with a knife and folding the ingredients until you get a soft dough.
after the scones are cooked in the oven from ten minutes you have a beautiful looking end product, here's how mine turned out:

They turned out great and looked really good they tasted great too.
Next time I would cut them more evenly so they turn out even better.

The recipe challenge!

the recipe challenge was when we had to write the recipe and fill in the gaps.

Here's how mine ended up looking:

Word Art:

another piece of work we have done this week was to make a word art on hygiene/food safety.
Here is my completed word art:

I think I have done pretty well on my first-word art and can't wait to learn more and get better.

I can't wait until the next lesson.



Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Hearing test

Sound Experiment

Aim: To find out our hearing frequency.

Hypothesis: That my hearing will be average to above average.

Equipment: Sound experiment test.

Method: 1. Listen to the sound test.  2. record the results

Findings: I was able to hear at 15904HZ in volume which is very good but not the highest possible but way over average.

Conclusion: In conclusion, I found out that I currently have good hearing and can hear a noise at 15904HZ in pitch and volume.


Monday, February 24, 2020

My Goal in Athletics Hurumanu

My Goal in athletics Hurumanu I am going to... Learn the best technic about the long jump. I want to learn this so I can improve this. I am aiming to jump 4.12 meters long.

Shot Put7.5m
High Jump1.40 m
Long Jump4.14m
100m Sprints21.2 km/h 100m = 15 seconds 200m = 30 seconds
Long Distance (400m, 1500m)400m = 1.28 minutes 1500m = 7.28 minutes 

Discus: Roll of your small finger, Wrap 4 finger around it, Stand side on to the line, 1-3 wind-ups.

High jump: Fosbury Flop: 1. Land with your arms and feet up, on your back. 2. When you take off it should be on 1 foot. 3. when you leave the ground you must spin around (use the knee to turn).

The Suffrage Movement

Hi Guys.

Today in class I learned about the suffrage movement.

Here is a banner I made if I was protesting:


Thursday, February 20, 2020


Hi Guys
Today in class we were finishing off our work from yesterday this was our RAK (Random Act of Kindness) work.

Here is my work from yesterdays work:
Spiritual Wellbeing: Spiritual is your beliefs, your culture, ancestors, your Religion, your values
Looks Like
Giving someone a hand, Someone helping someone, Smiling
Fells Like
Helping your up from the ground, comfort, Happy, welcomed, Glad.
Sounds Like
Nice comments, Encouraging, Laughing, compliments, Talking.

  1. Give them a compliment
  2. Help someone by getting there a book or help them clean their mess
  3. Lending someone a pencil
  4. Show someone your appreciation to others
  5. Giving your time to others
  6. Include everyone
  7. Manners
  8. Encourage others

Plan:  Give someone a compliment.  Who: Harry: Because he is always nice and kind to me.

My plan was successful and Harry was very glad and happy to get the complement.

It is important to show kindness so everyone is feeling good and the whole world will be better.


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Definition of the scientific method

Hi Guys

Today we learned the scientific method for an experiment
Here are my findings:

Aim: What you are trying to find out/make happen.

Hypothesis: An educated guess.

Equipment: Material used for the experiment.

Steps: The order the experiment is carried out in.

Findings: What you found out happened in this experiment. sometimes you write them/Put them in a graph/Table/ect

Conclusion: Findings and research all summarised together.

____________________________Marshmallow catapult___________________________________

Energy Transformations: 
Marshmallow catapults
Hypothesis: That the catapult will work ok with some flaws and won't be 100 percent perfect.
  1. 1 clean cup
  2. 1 balloon
  3. 1 pair of scissors
  4. 1 marshmallow
  1. Cut the bottom off the cup with the scissors.
  2. Tie a knot at the neck of the balloon and snip off the tip.
  3. Stretch the balloon over the top of the cup. You may find this a bit tricky to start with, but after making a few it becomes easy.
  4. Pop your marshmallow into the cup.
  5. Fire the missile by pulling the knotted neck of the balloon and letting go. You will be surprised at how far it can travel2
  6. The open end will fold together when you stretch the balloon, but this will not stop the missile from firing.
Results (Describe what you saw, take a pic/video):
My catapult-launched approx 1 meter far from our firing point

Discussion (What were the energy changes happening, explain what you saw):
when we put it into it was potential elastic energy and kinetic.
Conclusion (Was your hypothesis correct, did the experiment work?):
My hypothesis was partly correct as it did work too well and has flaws.
It was a fun activity/experiment.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Hauora, My Hauora.

Hi Guys!
Today in class for health we were learning about our Hauora right now.
There are some questions to answer for your blog so here it is.

1: Whare tapa wha is about the four dimensions of Hauora but imagen it as a whare so you need everything to be good and strong to keep the whare working or in this case keeping you healthy.

2: I contributed to my group and worked really well in class.

Here is my work today: Taha Tinana:

Right now my physical health is great. I do have a few pimples but I'm taking care of my body showering regularly and just simple things like that to take care of my body and getting enough sleep.

Taha Wairua:
My beliefs are that I am a Christian and believe in God. I know my identity and I know who I am and where I want to be in life and right now when I grow up I want to be an accountant.

Taha Hinengaro:
Right now I'm feeling great. I'm in a great mindset and just overall happy about life and what's happening with me and around me I'm confident in myself that I will be able to solve issues that may appear.

Taha Whanau:
Right now I have good friends and have the right relationships for right now. I am happy to be around people and they enjoy being around me. Everything in my family is great and i'm enjoying hanging out with my friends.

My Hauora Is in a great state right now.


What is a Government?

Hi Guys.

Today I was learning about different types of governments and one of the pages what learning about what a government.

Here is my work:

What is Government?

A government is a term used to describe:
  • The system of rules used to run a community,
  • The people who make and administer those roles.

All around the world different countries and communities have different types of
governments. In New Zealand, we have a democracy for a government.
This means that people vote on which rules we have and which people are
responsible for making and administering these rules.
In some countries there is only one person who is charge and they make all the
rules that people are responsible for following. This is a dictatorship.
Some countries even have no government which is called anarchy.
This means that people live without any rules but often when there
is no government someone will try to step in and take power for themselves.

Questions - either make a copy of this document and save it into your social studies
folder or write the questions and answers into your book.
  1. Write down any words you have never heard before and find the dictionary definition for them e.g. anarchy.
I know them all.
  1. Do you think that countries or communities that are bigger (more people) need a more complex government system than smaller ones need?
No, because there are more people which mean a higher chance of failure on a more complex government so they need to keep it simple.
  1. What benefit(s) do you think people gain from being in a group?
They feel equal and welcome in/with these people.
  1. How can having a leader or group of leaders help people?
So they don't have to make the rules themself 
  1. Why do you think some countries have or prefer to have no government (anarchy)?

Because they all work well with each other or everyone wants to have a say in what happens.

Democracy has four different elements (parts) they are:
  1. A political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections.
  2. The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life.
  3. Protection of the human rights of all citizens.
  4. A rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens.

A dictatorship is a country controlled by a dictator.  A dictator is someone who has absolute power - or who at least behaves as if they do by bossing others around.
5 dictators: Kun jong un, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Hun Sen, Paul Biya.

  • A Monarchy is a form of government in which a group, generally family representing a dynasty embodies the country's national identity and its head, the monarch (King/Queen) exercises the role of sovereignty. 
  • These were very common in ancient times right through to early 20th century.
  • Most Monarchs today are nearly all symbolic rather than actual rulers. There are still a few exceptions in Africa and Asia but Great Britain, Netherlands, Sweden and Spain are now governed by the national Parliament.
 Activity 2:
The activity

ACTIVITY:  With the information from the map above and
using an Atlas or the internet,  list 8 countries that are still
governed by dictators!! Write this in your books, and use
an atlas to help you.

  1. Russia
  2. china
  3. Belarus
  4. North Korea
  5. Cameroon
  6. Afghanistan
  7. Angola
  8. Brunie

A Theocracy is a country ruled by a religious elite.  
It is a system of governance composed of religious institutions in which the state and the church are traditionally or constitutionally the same entity. If you are clergy you have the right to govern. 
Examples: The Vatican (Pope), Iran (Supreme leader), Tibetan Government (Dalai Lama), Caliphates and other Islamic States are historically considered theocracies. 
A theory or system of social organization in which all property owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs. Can we think of any communist communities in New Zealand? 

  1. Where did Communism begin? The first country In Russia but began in Europe
  2. Who was the father of communism? Karl Marx
  3. What are the main points?
    (come up with 3)  That the country was messy and needed a leader. To create stateless, classes, society. To give a certain person control to the country.


Friday, February 14, 2020

Business Studies

Hi Guys

Today in class we were given the task to make a presentation about an entrepreneur.
I did my work with my friend vin it was about the founders and co-founder/CEO's of Uber.
Here is my work:

Thank for looking at my work.


Thursday, February 13, 2020

Home Economics (Food studio 1)

Hi Guys
Today in class for Home Economics we were given the task to tell you about my first impression of the food room.

My opinion

Today when I walked into the room I was glad that I was working in this space. I was excited and ready to start the lessons in this class. The space is bigger than I was used so there was more room.
The class had everything I need for cooking and I am ready for the year. The room was nice and tidy. I like the way its set up.



P.E. (High Jump and Shot put)

Hi Guys!
Today in class for P.E. we were given the task to learn how to properly throw a shot put and how to do the fosbury flop.

Fosbury Flop: For the fosbury flop we had to learn to safely land on our back by pivoting and jumping off one leg.
Image result for fosbury flop

Shot put: For shot put we had to pivet and push the shot put out onto the space for the push.
Image result for shot put