Hi Guys.
Today in the auditorium and we meet Ella West. Ella West is an author and has written a few books and two of her more known books are: "Night Vision" and "Rain Fall".
She told us the best way to write a story which is:
1. Think of an idea
2. Think of characters that go with the idea.
3. Think of where it is taken place.
4. Think of what's happening next.
5. Add more to the story and make it interesting.
She was talking about her story "Night Vision" in the book there is a girl with a genetic disorder which makes it so she can't do in the sun. The reason why the book is called night vision is that she goes out at night and wears night vision glasses.
Her idea was that the girl will witness a murder and has to try and find out what to do and get help.
After she talks about her books we asked her questions and she said that she really enjoyed writing murder mystery type stories.
She was talking about how much money she gets per book and if it is worth it. she said that she gets about 5 thousand a book and sometimes more if the book does well.
She also works with newspapers and things like that were she writes for the newspaper.
I really enjoyed learning from her and it was really cool to meet an author.